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Showing posts from April, 2017

A Long Weekend Trip to South Carolina

While it was still dark on early Thursday morning, we loaded our luggage and drove south, avoiding the rush hour commute around Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA).  An hour later, WMA is behind our rearview mirror- leaving the "busy world" around us and on to the open road.

Virginia is for Lovers

In 2014 we left Silicon Valley, leaving our family behind for a unique and exciting opportunity in Washington Metropolitan Area.  Because of the proximity of Northern Virginia (NOVA) to neighboring states, this allowed us to spend the weekends exploring remarkable places- Delaware, New Jersey, New York, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina and Washington DC. Over the course of three memorable years around NOVA, we have visited amazing and spectacular places around the East coast. Manhattan Central Park, New York Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware Blue Ridge Mountain, Virginia Outer Banks, North Carolina